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Guangzhou Wholesale Markets Guides


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Wednesday, 23 November 2011 06:36

Guangzhou Library

Opened in 1982, this library has a collection of 3.6 million books, three-fourths of which are available to the general public. Guangzhou Library's collection focuses on local literature, contemporary history, art and design, and audio materials. Recently, it introduced electronic books, newspapers, periodicals, and electionic databases relating to the laws, patents, and notable people of Guangzhou.


Wednesday, 23 November 2011 06:35

Atom Space Gallery

Atom Space Gallery displays and sells oil paintings of the Lingnan school. The Lingnan school of painting is a traditional Chinese styles that came into being in the late Qing Dynasty. Its subjects include galloping horses, flying eagles and ancient pines. The Lingnan style sought to represent nature through a fusion of traditional eastern naïve style with European watercolor skills.


Wednesday, 23 November 2011 06:31

Lingnan Painting School Memorial

The Lingnan painting School Memorial is a museum that specializes in collecting and displaying Lingnan painting style works of art. The Lingnan school of painting is a traditional Chinese style that came into being in the late Qing Dynasty. Its subjects include galloping horses, flying eagles and ancient pines. The Lingnan style sought to represent nature through a fusion of traditional eastern naïve style with European watercolor skills.

The art museum is located inside a European style building that was constructed in 1911. As one of the oldest institutions of Guangzhou, the art museum specializes not only in displaying art, but providing information on the history of this famous school.

Getting there: 25, 35, 53, 82, 129, 178, 190, 197, 203, 206, 239, 250, 253, 263, 270, 273, 542, 548(Bus number)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011 06:28

Fei Gallery

In classical Chinese, Fei means door or portal. So, the name of this gallery is meant to convey that it is a portal or a door to the daily art world of Guangzhou. The Gallery displays paintings, calligraphy and photos, and also serves as an auction house.


Wednesday, 23 November 2011 06:22

Art Gallery 64

Art Gallery 64 specializes in art from various countries and cultures with an emphasis on highly-skilled representative painters . Most of the time, it specializes in oil paintings, but at times, it displays non-traditional works of high quality. The gallery holds thematic exhibitions concentrating on brush, oil and watercolor painting.


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