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Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center is the largest and nearest comprehensive exhibition building to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport with sixty thousand square meters’ multifunctional exhibition venue and two five-star standard hotel with luxury services and facilities. It is the best…
The Lingnan painting School Memorial is a museum that specializes in collecting and displaying Lingnan painting style works of art. The Lingnan school of painting is a traditional Chinese style that came into being in the late Qing Dynasty. Its…
Cascade Cafe gets plenty of Western customers as its located right in the landmark Garden Hotel. They serve many Western and Chinese favorites, including several standard burgers.Varieties: Hamburger with a choice of cheese, bacon and fried eggWeight: 180 - 200…
Truly tailor-made for expats, this pub is everything you need if you’re experiencing homesickness. Football matches shown every now and a then and themed party nights such as thanksgiving is organized.  
If it happens to be particularly hot and humid (typical for Guangzhou), it might be wiser to set your sights on the Chimelong Water Park. This is the largest water park in the world, and one of the few in…

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