Fei Gallery

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In classical Chinese, Fei means door or portal. So, the name of this gallery is meant to convey that it is a portal or a door to the daily art world of Guangzhou. The Gallery displays paintings, calligraphy and photos, and also serves as an auction house.


Additional Info

  • Chinese Name: 扉艺廊
  • Address: Fei Galery, 12nd Floor, Estate Plaza, 5 Nonglinxia Lu, Yuexiu District,Guangzhou广州市越秀区农林下路5号亿达大厦12楼(近东山电车总站)
  • Contact: 020 3768 8781 (Tel)
  • Businss Hours: 9:00-19:00 (closed on Thursday ), Weekend: 10:00-18:00
  • Getting there:
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